90 машки орфи машки / БСП машки хидрауличен адаптер за прстен O-Ring

6F9 elbow fittings are 90 degrees ORFS make o-ring bulkhead types. Our production covers complete sizes which can meet most demands from customers over the world. They are also resistant to vibrations and system impulses. The sealing between pipe and adapter is created by a O-ring, which gives a safe unit. The fittings can be dismantled and assembled multiple times without deterioration of the unit. Details Part no.: 6F9(90 Degrees ORFS Male O-ring Bulkhead) Standard: SAE J514, SAE J1453, BS5200, DIN2353 standards Sizes All kind of size is ...
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ISO JIC рамни конектори за лице, хидраулични фитинзи, конектори за црева

2J9 adapter fittings are 90 degrees JIC male 37 degrees cone to JIC female 37 degrees seat. Complete sizes dimensions are showed below on technical data sheet. Adapter fittings are manufactured as per drawings or customers’ special demands. Our production standard is Winner which is same as Eaton. Details Part no.: 2J9(90°JIC Male 74°Cone to JIC Female 74°Seat) Shapes and straights are manufactured as per material compositions desired by drawings or customers’ requirements. YH fittings are produced in conformance with SEA, BS, AS, ANSI and DIN standards Available ...
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Бесплатен примерок SAE O прстен за машки црева / хидрауличен конектор / приклучок за челик за оригирање Машки / хидрауличен адаптер и монтирање

Metric adapter fittings 1DO series represent thread types of metric male 24 degrees heavy type and SAE male o-ring. YH is a leading producer of metric adapter fittings which are based on Winner production standard. With complete engineering capabilities, YH can design custom metric fittings and hose assemblies to original equipment standards. Details Part no.: 1DO(metric male 24 degrees heavy type with SAE male o-ring thread) Brand: YH; If any logo products required, please email to us Sizes: specifications showed on technical data table are standard. But for ...
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Hotешка продажба ИСО сертификат Метрички прегради за преграда

6C series are metric male 24 degrees light type bulkhead adapter fittings. Compared with 6C types, 6D series are heavy types. And they all can be found in YH Hydraulic. Our adapter fittings are forged with material of mild steel. But we can offer other material products to customers’ requirements. Details Part no.: 6C(Metric Male 24°Light Type Bulkhead) Size range: from M12 to M52; For bigger or smaller ones, please advise our sales. Type: With or without cutting ring and nuts are available for selling. Quality: Highly precision ...
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Фабрика цена Топла продажба Метрички спојници за преграда

6C series are metric male 24 degrees light type bulkhead adapter fittings. Compared with 6C types, 6D series are heavy types. And they all can be found in YH Hydraulic. Our adapter fittings are forged with material of mild steel. But we can offer other material products to customers’ requirements. Details Part no.: 6C(Metric Male 24°Light Type Bulkhead) Size range: from M12 to M52; For bigger or smaller ones, please advise our sales. Type: With or without cutting ring and nuts are available for selling. Quality: Highly precision ...
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Кинески снабдувач со висок квалитет 4SH блокирани ракави

00601 interlock ferrule is for R13 or DIN 20023 4SH hoses. Ferrules are connectors for hoses and fittings to make hose assemblies. Thus its malleability values much when crimping hose assemblies. Ferrules in YH factory come in material of mild steel which can ensure its malleability. Related e-catalog is posted below for customers to view popular products from YH Hydraulic. Details Part no.: 00601(Interlock Ferrule For R13/DIN 20023 4SH Hose) Strength: High quality; Prompt delivery; Reasonable prices; Full range specifications Custom-orientated service: Available Quality control: ISO9001:2008 Standard: based ...
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Се продава машки конектор за NPT на нишки

15611 fittings are with NPT male thread which is short for National Pipe Thread Taper. NPT is a U.S. standard for tapered threads used on hydraulic hose fittings. 15611 fittings have complete sizes from 1/4 inch to 2 inch which are for one steel wire braided hydraulic hose such as R1AT, ISN, 1SC, etc. These fittings are produced by CNC machines that can control right tolerance and smooth surface as required. Details Part no.: 15611(NPT Male) Standard: Winner or Eaton production standard. Custom-orientated fittings are welcomed Quality control: ...
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Алуминиум со висок степен на целосен проток од еден дел од алуминиум 90 степени енски на toенски до тефлон тефлонски црево завршен приклучок за цевки за цевки

22191 еден интегрален приклучок за парчиња се типични женски мулти-заптивки од 90 степени. Големините од 04 до 24 се популарно произведени во YH Hydraulic. И деталите можете да ги добиете од подолу информациите. Ние можеме да обезбедиме OEM услуга со цртежи или примероци што се предвидени. Детали Дел бр .: 22191 едно парче (90 степени интегрално фитинг за женски спојници во 90 степени БСП) Тип: 22191 едно парче се 22191 фитинзи со сродни големини на ферули, искривени заедно Големини: од 04 до 24 се во голема мерка произведени во нашата фабрика. Можете да добиете детали од табелата за технички податоци. Други артикли: ...
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